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Language Course: independent international booking agency

Language Course: independent international booking agency

Founded in 1999, Language Course is an independent platform for more than 30 languages classes in over 400 schools all around the world. Its aim is to provide the right information to students who want to make the best decision and save money.

With press mentions in The NY Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, Der Spiegel and many more, it’s likely the most visited agency and one of the leading language courses websites.

To learn more, feel free to visit the website:

Language Course is committed to select the most renowned language schools worldwide. As a result, they provide comprehensive and detailed course information in one place. It is also possible to read uncensored comments from a great variety of previous course participants in their forum. These reports, together with the list of schools which comply with particular requirements, can help newcomers to make their decision.

So far, they have a list of more than 2 000 language trainings allocated in 50 countries, for which they provide a transparent comparison. They offer an absolutely free enrollment service. As a result, the student is guaranteed to pay the lowest price possible for each course. Furthermore, they can be eligible to a 5% discount on their fees if they book online on

To sum up, the information offered by this course guide should help to choose the ideal course. By comparing duration, place, school, dates, accommodation and budget it’s a tool for finding a place to study.

Lastly, for those which can’t afford to pay a language stay in total immersion, the site offers an online tool extremely useful for vocabulary training and memorizing. If this one doesn’t replace a genuine teacher, it has the advantage of being 100% free. Also, it works in the browser, without no registration or installation required. So far, this tool gives access to more than 5000 words gathered in various themes in 10 languages.

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